Woman's Medical College (Pa)

Woman's Medical College (Pa)

 past times Edward Calimore roofing the regain of a fourth dimension capsule at a edifice of the old westward Woman's Medical College (PA)

The philly.com spider web site offers a May 31, 2011 article past times Edward Calimore roofing the regain of a fourth dimension capsule at a edifice of the old Woman's Medical College.

The Female Medical College of Pennsylvania was initially founded inwards 1850. The get upward was changed to the Woman's Medical College inwards 1867 too to the Medical College of Pennsylvania inwards 1970. The establishment too then merged alongside Hahnemann University School of Medicine inwards 1993 too was known every bit MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine. An affiliation alongside Drexel University began later on 1998 too the get upward became Drexel University College of Medicine.

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